Monday, May 30, 2011

Whatha Sam Hell? Doomsday Has Been Set Off Due To Miscalculations - Harold Camping Stardate October 21, 2011

end of world,end of world 2011,end of world october 21 2011,harold camping,false prophets,family radio international,harold camping fraud,wtf,armeggedeon october 21, 2011, end of time, jesus returns 2011,the apocalypse is 2011, whatha sam hell,the end is coming,prepare for the end of time,the bible and end of time,book of revelations predictions,emerging magazine contributors,end time humor,2011 apocalypse,repent for end times, end time revivals,harold camping predictions,harold camping family radio, comedian harold camping,religious fakes and prophets,end of days,Harold Camping, the California preacher who gave us all the wrong date for his apocalyptic doomsday prophecy of May 21, 2011, has since revised the date. Whatha Sam Hell?

Although I was born in a chicken coop [see related story], I am far from being a complete moron. This man has truly made me a bit upset. For months, I have been going around being nice to people, saying things like "howdy do" to the ma'ams and sirs, I normally wouldn't say the salutation to in the first place. I even went to some tent revivals in the smoldering, balmy heat of Texas. Rolled around sawdust floors in Arkansas and Mississippi, spewing out words that would get me to the Pearly Gates. I even took up a serpent in Louisiana. That one I am still recovering from. Getting venom in your privates is certainly no way to be redeemed, but I did it and felt I was ready to be caught up in the sky.

I have to be truthful, I really was all geared up to leave this ol' world, even though my raisin' in Ashmore, WV., taught me not to follow such... Read the full story [Click Here]

1 comment:

A new Whatha Sam Hell fan said...

This guy and any other person whom believes they can predict the end of the world is totally insane... unless scientist discover something headed our why or we self-destruct ourselves.

Personally, I think the guy made a great deal of money from others' total stupidity.

I read Whatha Sam Hell's story and laughed my ass off. I definitely get the gist of why he wrote about this moron.

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